The boom resolves itself in a bust whose twin children are capital consumption and unemployment. 当资本消耗和失业这对孪生兄弟出现时,繁荣就开始解体了。
Hence, it is an important mission of economic ethics to reflect the inner logic of capital and consumption rationally. 理性地反思与批判资本与消费的内在逻辑是经济伦理学的一个重要任务。
Additionally, taxation reduces prosperity in the long run, because it fosters capital consumption over time. 除此以外,税收还会降低经济的长期繁荣,因为税收将会导致资本的长期损耗。
Second, it is impossible to say what a good deficit is, as all depends on how it is financed ( for example, by foreign investment or bank credit) and what its domestic counterpart is ( for example, capital expenditure or consumption). 其次,我们不可能明确什么是好的赤字,因为一切都取决于其融资方式(如通过外国投资或银行信贷)和其国内对应物为何(如资本支出或消费)。
The US ratio of capital expenditure to capital consumption is firmly on the turn, while German unemployment is at its lowest since November 2008. 美国资本支出相对资本消耗的比率正在坚定地逆转;德国失业率正处于2008年11月以来的最低水平。
Not only has the US absorbed 70 per cent of the rest of the world's surplus capital, but consumption has accounted for 91 per cent of the increase in gross domestic product in this decade. 本世纪以来,美国不仅吸收了全球其它国家70%的过剩资本,而且消费占到了增加的GDP的91%。
Since travel for education, business, or pleasure is more and more common, The general economy tried to get rid of the capital logic of consumption in limited economy, and used the more universal homocentric logic to replace it. 普遍经济力图排除有限经济中消费的资本逻辑,而代之以更为普遍的人本逻辑。
The numeric results show that the risk attitude of the entrepreneur has a significant effect on the value of the capital and the optimal consumption strategy and investment decision. 数值结果表明,创业企业家的风险态度对企业资本的边际价值与平均价值以及相应的最优消费与投资决策具有显著的影响。
The economies of grasshopper colonies, in turn, come to depend on unsustainable capital inflows and excessive consumption. 蚱蜢窝的经济则变得依赖于不可持续的资本流入和过度消费。
Thus far her growth in trade, capital flows, energy consumption and emissions has been at a steady, moderate pace. 到目前为止,印度在贸易、资本流动、能源消费和碳排放方面一直以稳定、温和的速度增长。
We are very dependent on foreign capital to fund our consumption. 我们现在非常以来于外国的资金来维持我们现在的消费。
Then, the stochastic equilibrium in a decentralized economy was characterized, optimal capital tax and optimal consumption tax were derived, and the performance of capital tax and the financing policy of government expenditure were discussed. 刻画了分散经济中的随机均衡,得到了最优的资本税和消费税,并讨论了资本税的作用和政府支出的融资政策。
When planner moves its targets from capital to consumption, economic growth efficiency will be improved. 当该目标权重由过于偏向资本存量向消费水平转变,经济增长绩效得到提高。
Capital State of Consumption of Rural Inhabitants as the LetterJ& Taking Rural Inhabitants in Hunan Province as an Example J字形消费是当前农村居民消费的基本态势&以湖南省农村居民消费为例
Capital Market and Expanding Consumption 资本市场与扩大消费
The style of human capital designates the consumption of human cost; 人力资本的类型标示着人力成本耗费的大小;
Of the various forms of capital, consumption capital is one of the most important. 资本有多种表现形态,消费资本是其重要表现形态之一。
According to this analysis, the core of our demand should transit over-dependent capital into the consumption demand and investment demand. 根据这一模型分析,我国需求的支撑重心要逐步从过分倚重固定资产投资,向消费需求和投资需求均衡支撑过渡;
The development level of country economy and the distributing proportion of country production between investment of capital asserts and consumption restrict the investment scale of capital asserts in a certain time. 在一定时期内固定资产投资规模,受国民经济发展水平与国民产品在固定资产投资与消费之间的分配比例所制约。
On Taxation and Economic Growth& The Effects of Taxation Imposed on Labor, Capital and Consumption 论税收与经济增长&对中国劳动、资本和消费征税的效应分析
Adding the floatation agent not only can get better floatation result, but also can reduce the response time to flocculate, which play an important role in project on reducing capital expenditure 、 energy consumption and the expenses on operation. 而浮选剂的投加不仅能获得更好的气浮效果,而且能缩短絮凝反应时间,这对实际工程中减少基建投资、能耗及运行费用有重要的意义。
Therefore, promoting the development of SMEs can accepted the labor force released from both the industrial sector and agricultural sector, which will contribute to the equilibrium of capital, employment and consumption and avoid the severe unemployment and relative product surplus. 因此,大力发展中小企业可以转移和吸收大工业和农业由于资本有机构成提高而剩余出来的劳动力,使资本、就业和消费达到平衡,避免出现严重的失业和生产过剩现象。
As we all know, the goods can be divided into two parts, capital goods and consumption goods. 我们都知道,社会总产品包括两个部分,资本品和消费品,而收入也分为两个部分,消费和储蓄。
Human capital and consumption are the key factors affecting economic growth. 影响经济增长的关键因素包括人力资本和消费。
At present, the cascade-reactor technology is the normal used method for production of broad/ bimodal polyethylene. Large capital and energy consumption are needed to build up such multiple reactors, with complicated operation procedure. 目前,工业上主要采用多反应器串联技术生产宽/双峰聚乙烯,该技术投资大,能耗高,且操作复杂。
Economic capital, consumption culture in the city, demonstration effect of citizen groups and desire of personal success promote their public consumption. 促进80后农民工市民消费认同的因素既有经济资本的决定作用、城市消费文化的渲染,也有市民群体的示范效应、表征个人成功欲求的心理。
Ecological footprint method analyzes the natural capital consumption from the angle of the biophysical parameters, compares the ecological capacity and judges whether it is sustainability. 首先,本论文在可持续发展研究方法上运用生态足迹法,从生物物理量的角度来研究自然资本,进而判断该区域的发展是否处于生态承载力所能承受的范围内,是否具有可持续性。
Although the fixed capital consumption is still the focus of capital accounting, the other two purposes have been gradually emphasized, that is to establish the content of capital stock and measure capital services which apply to analyze products and productivity. 虽然固定资本消耗依旧是资本核算的重点,资本核算的另两个目标却越来越得到重视:建立资产负债表的资本存量目录和用于估算全要素生产率的资本服务。
Listed banks increase capital through refinancing, even though it can enhance its capacity of business expansion and resist risks, but the development model of commercial banking sector "credit expansion-capital consumption-refinancing", there is a big bold risks. 上市银行通过再融资补充资本金,虽然能够增强其业务扩张的能力和抵抗风险的能力,但商业银行业目前的这种信贷扩张-资本消耗-再融资粗放发展模式本身存在很大的风险。
Along with the continuous progress of human civilization, the concrete material per capital consumption is increasing. At the same time the environmental issue has become increasingly significant. 随着人类文明的不断进步,混凝土材料的人均消费量越来越大,与此同时产生的环境污染问题也越来越显著。